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Dental Fillings

Dental fillings In Islamabad

Dental fillings, or simply fillings, are treatments used to restore the function, integrity, and morphology of lost tooth structures resulting from caries or external trauma, as well as such structures with the help of dental implants. is changed. They are of two broad types – direct and indirect – and are further classified by location and size. A root canal filling, for example, is a restorative technique used to fill the space where tooth pulp normally resides.

Direct Filling or Restoration

This technique involves inserting a soft or damaged filling into the prepared tooth and forming the tooth. The material is then set hard and the tooth is restored. Where the tooth wall is missing and needs to be reconstructed, a matrix should be used to reconstruct the shape of the tooth before the material is placed, so that it is clean and prevents the teeth from sticking together. Sectional matrices are generally preferred over circumferential matrices when composite restorations favor contact point formation.

This is important to reduce patient complaints of food impaction between teeth. However, sectional matrices can be more sensitive techniques to use, so care and skill are required to prevent problems occurring in the final restoration. The advantage of direct restorations is that they usually set quickly and can be placed in a single procedure. Dentists have a variety of filling options to choose from. A decision is usually made based on the location and severity of the cavity involved. Because the material needs to set during contact with the tooth, limited energy (heat) is transferred to the tooth from the setting process.

Indirect Filling or Restorations

An indirect restoration fabricated on model from Ips emax ceramic ready to be cemented on natural tooth structure
In this technique the restoration is fabricated outside of the mouth using the dental impressions of the prepared tooth. Common indirect restorations include inlays and onlays, crowns, bridges, and veneers. Usually a dental technician fabricates the indirect restoration from records the dentist has provided. The finished restoration is usually bonded permanently with a dental cement. It is often done in two separate visits to the dentist. Common indirect restorations are done using gold or ceramics.

While the indirect restoration is being prepared, a provisory/temporary restoration is sometimes used to cover the prepared tooth to help maintain the surrounding dental tissues.

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